Lamadia79's Journal

Lamadia79's Journal


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13 entries this month

23:40 Apr 30 2024
Times Read: 190

Writing my novel is proving to be hard . I keep struggling on and try to get the flow right . I end up questioning myself constantly with can I really do this ? Im I just fooling myself into believing that Im good at this ? Im not giving up I can't give up . Once it’s done I have to try and find an agent and hope someone thinks its worth their time . Sometimes I wish I never started this and other times I feel like it was the best decision I made .
Its now a case of she who dares wins



23:43 Apr 30 2024

seems like we all are having memory or word issues, but I am sure you will find the words to continue.


16:26 Apr 30 2024
Times Read: 199

As Eurovision is only 11 days away I started to become active in online groups and watching some of the rehearsal's . We have known for some time that the top 3 entries are coming from Croatia The Neverland's and for some bizarre reason Switzerland .
This year could come at a high price as there is a lot of ill feeling towards Isreal still being aloud to participate . For me its not a problem as my personal opinion is keep politics out of Eurovision and let it be about the music . It never sat right with me when Russia was banned from taking part as everyone knew that the Russian people were not responsible for the war in Ukraine . But a lot of delegation's went into a temper tantrum and refused to take part if Russia was aloud to stay so the EBU gave in and kicked Russia out . But this year they have not backed down and all the so called threats of a boycott never happened .
As for a lot of the entries they will be whittled down from 42 to 20 over two semi finals that will take place next Tuesday and Thursday .
Im not wowed by a lot of songs this year . Im finding the need to go over the top and looking insane a huge annoyance this year .
The Swiss guy looks like the Miami sound machine exploded all over big bird .
A Spanish woman singing about female empowerment whilst two men strip down to ladies underwear . Not sure what that has to do with female empowerment .
Finland are shouting some crap about no rules whilst some idiot runs around a giant egg in a thong .
I have made my feelings clear on Finland this year and received a backlash for it. I have been accused of being horrified by it . Im not horrified by this entry I just find it completely ridiculous .
Im someone who has seen everything from satanic ceremonies being played out on stage to people being dressed as demons and terrifying monsters . I have seen someone getting a good nipple tonguing onstage to people burning bibles and dishing out harsh punishments . I have even seen Madonna with her kit off so its going to take a hell of lot more than a prat in a posing pouch running around a lit dinosaur egg to scare me .
But in Finland defence the guy who is making an attempt to sing is not bad . If he ditched the nutter he would be in with more of a chance .
But looking at my personal choices for the win I have to go with Croatia and France .
France always comes up with the goods but so often they get left behind . This year could be their year as they are sending a powerful ballad and the artist has the best vocals by far . He is in a league of his own and for me he is first class .
Austria is another favourite for me as the song takes me right back to the 90s when Dance music and Rave was at its best . Im from the days of Ministry of sound cream fields and helter skelter and spent many a weekend at the pleasure dome .
As for my own country I think it’s another year of failure and disappointment . If we managed to get onto the righthand side of the scoreboard it would be a miracle . Oh well maybe next year .



19:50 Apr 30 2024

I love it how the whole populace is to blame for the insanity of their governments. its horrifying sometimes.

19:53 Apr 30 2024

Thats why I believe Isreal and Russia should stay

20:04 Apr 30 2024

still rooting for Ireland! ill be traveling next weekend but hopefully not miss too much


The Pirate

01:08 Apr 30 2024
Times Read: 217

I was 8 years old when my mother died . I was an only child and for my first 8 years of life it was just my mother and I as my father was a sea captain and was away for long periods of time .
After my mother’s death my father returned and was left with little choice to raise me aboard one of his vessels . I spent months at sea learning my father’s trade . I liked it very much but a longing for dry land was always with me .
Not long after I had turned 14 years old my father died and his ship was captured by pirates . Most of the crew were slaughtered and I was kept as a sort of slave . For months I watched these sea scoundrels fight and steal everything they could and I soon became friends with them and they taught me how to fight and handle swords and pistols .
I visited many strange lands and I soon began to value treasure and made my ambition to become very rich and live a life that would bring me wealth and power and anything I desired .
I was never able to hold on to any of the gold and treasures that I had taken as pirates can never stop taking . Even the most clever of hiding places never stopped them . By the time I was 17 I began plotting my escape from piracy and a chance of making my fortune on dry land . I managed to sneak away one night whilst on land in Portugal . I followed some British naval officers and kept myself out their sight . I knew if I was spotted I would be press ganged and more years at sea was the last thing I wanted . The officers and other royal navy crew had been drinking hard and I waited for them to pass out in one of the whore houses they were frequenting . I cut the throat of an inebriated jolly jack and stole his uniform and any cash he had and made my way to his ship . I had enough money to bribe some of the sailors to keep quiet and set sail for England .
I knew I could never return to my home Penzance as smugglers and pirates made their land stays there and it was likely someone would recognise me and knowing how vengeful pirates are to deserters I had to make a new start in London . I hoped my former associates would just think I had been lost at sea or captured by the French or the Spanish . And as it happens I nearly was lost at sea but eventually I came into calmer waters and at last I was back in England .
I found myself with little more than 100 pounds to start a new life amongst strangers .
I had spent most of my adolescence as sea thief and I needed to find a way to make my fortune on land . I soon resorted to stealing and I became a very successful thief and as our brave merchants brought home their expensive delights I would scour the streets and alleyway's to find my fortune . I became known as the fastest dip in London and in my spare time I learnt to ride as I had a mind to become a highway man . I had seen others try their hand at this and the rewards from highway robbery were very appealing .
Soon my life of crime would catch up with me when I joined a gang and we attempted to rob a wealthy family . I was caught and immediately taken to Newgate prison whilst I awaited my judgement .
The art of negotiation was not foreign to me so I planned to petition transportation to one of his majesty's colonies . The horrors of Newgate were not as frightening as I had been lead to believe and I ended up with a cellmate by the name of Thomas . Now he was a terrifying figure and a disfigured one . He was in Newgate charged with just about every crime you could think of . We became friends and he enjoyed my tales of my life at sea . Thomas knew he would swing for his crimes but I encouraged him to apply for transportation with me . We planned once at sea we make good our escape and find a way to live freely in the new world .
We were both brought to our judgement and I was granted transportation but Thomas was denied and condemned to execution . After being returned to our cell Thomas remained in good spirits and I made the joke that all the Kings men could never lift Thomas off the ground . I didn't want Thomas to die as he had become my best friend . Just as we had resigned ourselves to our fate we received a visit from a man like no other . Never had a seen a man with such long black hair and the darkest of eyes . He was well dressed and had a proposition for both of us . Everything about him wreaked of evil . He made us an offer that could not be refused and he somehow managed to buy our freedom .
He took us to south west of England and gave us a safe place to stay . Our freedom came at the cost of our souls and absolute loyalty to him . We learned his ways and became immersed in his sorcery and darkness . We soon formed our gang and began to work the roads . We feared and the rewards were immense and I was starting to get everything I desired at the cost of my sanity and soul but I no longer cared . I wanted more and more and the thrill of taking wealth from others was giving me great pleasure and soon taking human life would bring far more satisfaction . But what next ? Thomas and I were promised far more than just money and what that meant we never completely sure . Soon we were joined by a Mr Hammond and after he became as schooled in the dark arts things became apparent . Things could never be the same again we were all truly damned and now with longevity the world is completely open to me . For those who read this entry pray you never need to choose .

Richard Hallow 1777



01:33 Apr 30 2024

great writers


The Orphan

03:22 Apr 29 2024
Times Read: 236

I grew up in a time where stealing to feed your children was a hangable offence and children were often cast upon the elements .
I never knew who my parents were as I was passed from hand to hand from birth. How I survived I know not . By the time I was seven I had been sent to one of the many Lancashire poor houses . Most children were either worked to death or starved or beaten to death .
I somehow managed to survive the cruel treatment of the governors until the day came that I was sold off to a criminal gang . I knew in my heart that I did not belong with them so at my first opportunity I ran away from them . I found myself running through the streets of Salford until a wealthy gentleman took pity on me and decided to try and raise me himself . My saviour even went as far as to give me a name . He called me Charles and put me in the hands of his household servants . I was not accepted by the wealthy gentleman's family but he kept me regardless and educated me well . I was taught how to ride hunt and shoot and I was even given lessons in swordsmanship .
Once I was 18 years old my adopted father died . He left me a letter instructing me to go out into the world and prosper he even left me some money and fine clothes and a horse . I managed to steal a gun and a sword and some other fancy trinkets to sell once I was away from Salford . I left my life in Lancashire behind me and headed to London.
Once I arrived in I took the sir name Hammond and tried to find a way to make a living . This proved a lot more difficult than I first anticipated and quickly ran out of money . I fell upon others who made their living by thieving and working the roads . This was not what I wanted for myself but it was either steal or starve . So I went out and learned how to become a successful pickpocket bad company showed me the way and I did very well by it . But soon things became more dangerous as the local JCs were everywhere . A lot of my friends went to gallows but I was able to operate quickly and soon my name became a bi word for cunning thievery though few would recognise my face .
I became friends with a gang who had taken to the roads to rob unsuspecting traveler's . This was a truly dangerous game but the rewards made it worth it and I was beginning to enjoy the thrill of the chase .
Eventually we made our way down to the south west of England where country folk were wealthy and not very cautious when traveling . We began hearing stories about a gang known as the coven and how they would kill anyone who encroached on their territory . It did not stop us and we shrugged the stories off as just a rumour to scare us away .
Soon I began to feel I was being watched and followed and soon I would come face to face with my stalker .
He was the force of nature and I fell completely under his spell that fateful summers night . He persuaded me to let my gang take the fall for a job that had gone wrong that night . They were hanged and I went away with my new friend entered a world I could never of foreseen.
I introduced to two others who were well versed in his diabolical world of hate evil and madness .
I had a beautiful farmhouse to live in and I suppose you could call my three associate's family . I was seen as a respectable gentleman but that was far from the truth . I was to become a violent killer a madman and a servant of the devil . He made me that way as he promised me every desire and the chance to see the world and never to have to worry about growing old and having to face death . He could remove all of it as long as I was prepared to learn his ways and give my loyalty to him . Without hesitation I gave him everything including my soul .
I fell so deeply in love with him it ground me down so deep into a groove that I know longer cared nor wished to be released from it .
I handed myself over willingly to the dark arts and made my way through hell with my new family .
Now Im just like them and theirs no release . I can never be good I can never show mercy or care I can only show contempt and loathing to the world around me . Im damned to walk the earth forever spreading fear and dread and taking the red life force of those who find themselves unlucky enough to cross my path.
I was once told never look the devil in the eyes but I did without hesitation and I can never forget the feel of his soft skin and the smell of his fine fragrance or the way he looked into my soul . Im am the devils henchman on earth for all eternity.

Charles Hammond 1779




20:41 Apr 28 2024
Times Read: 244

I was given home made wine today . I have had one of these foul concoction's before so I asked if I could sit down first before I tried it .
This stuff could take varnish off a bar top . It was enough to paralyse a horse and thanks to that I have the worst headache in the world . I chucked mine out the window when nobody was looking .
They left me a bottle Im going to use it to kill the ants in the summer .
This person also made a cake for Sunday lunch and I think I lost a tooth . I tried throwing it to the birds in garden and even they told me to piss off . I hope they stop inviting them selves over for lunch . Every time I see them carrying containers with food in it I end up saying oh no the Warwickshire poisoner is doing the rounds again 🤮 I would love to meet the git who told them they could cook and then strangle them .



21:02 Apr 28 2024



The Master

16:07 Apr 25 2024
Times Read: 276

I walked the earth in human form for 26 years and struck fear into the very core of everyone one who crossed my path .
I knew from an early age that I was meant for true greatness and being good would never achieve that success
I found my way into the circle with those who would teach me the path to evil
I didn't play at being wicked I gave my soul to the one true master and he taught me delights that mear mortals could only dream of
Delights such as torture giving it and receiving it and the most exquisite pleasure taking human life
My evil deeds were rewarded with eternal life and the chance to cause chaos and havoc where ever I go
I rewarded my loyal disciples with the gift of eternal life and they serve me faithfully on this earth
Im the one the world fears I can destroy your world and break every civil society just for my own amusement
My world is only for those who seek power over frail mankind can come and worship at my altar
I am the one true Lord of darkness and my desire is to make chaos and darkness rule supreme
Human blood is my nourishment and Satan my master
Serve him faithfully and he will remove death the common enemy
Only then would you be worthy of my time
I will show you how to enjoy all the deadly sins to their fullest potential
I can show you the thrill of disgust and make you feel arousal from true obscenities
Come to me all those with a truly evil heart if you have a mind for it you can kneel down before me and worship your destroyer

James Sutherland 1779




Midnight Offer

02:53 Apr 24 2024
Times Read: 296

This is a rewrite not all of it as Im struggling with time . Some may remember it any questions just ask

A week had passed since I witnessed a murder taking place at a London night club
A man had come to the club and aroused the lust in every woman in the room including myself . I had made the fatal error of trying to follow this man . I lost sight of him and slightly drunk I wondered into a side room to witness this man feeding on a young woman . I could hardly believe what I was seeing part of me thought it had to be some sort of joke but it wasn't it was very real and incredibly disturbing . This was no human man his eyes and teeth were straight out of a Hammer Horror film . I should have raised the alarm but I was so scared I ran away and made my way back home . Once home I sat trying to sober myself up with coffee and the image of what I had witnessed refused to leave my mind .
I kept saying over and over again it was not real vampires are science fiction it was not real . I was slowly starting to convince myself when I received a text message from an unknown number . The message conveyed that I had been seen and they know who I am and they would be seeing me very soon .
My life came to a sudden halt after that . I was too scared to go out especially at night . I kept my house locked up like Fort Knox and slept during the day . I only received the one message and I started to feel like someone had just played a very cruel joke on me . I began to feel incredibly stupid and made my mind up to just forget about it and tell myself over and over that I just made it up it was not real . I did not know who the girl was and I seen nothing on the news about a murder or anyone going missing so it could not be real .
I was invited to a party at an art gallery in London it was just what I needed to pull myself out of this madness . I dressed myself up and drove into London . Friends were waiting outside the gallery to greet me . They had noticed my absence from the world over the last week . I just lied and I had been sick and needed a rest . I wandered into the building and walked around the various pieces of art and began to feel like myself again . I was enjoying a glass of wine whilst walking through the crowds of art lovers when just across the room I could see the man I witnessed drinking the blood of an innocent woman . The wine glass snapped in my hand cutting it . I turned away quickly and tried to make my way through the crowds and find away out . I grabbed a serviette off a table and wrapped it around my hand .
The building was so big and crowded and I could not find my way out . My mind was filled with thought's of did he see me ? I had to find away out before he does see me . I made my way upstairs and tried to find a place to hide whilst I came up with a plan to sneak away . I had to be sure my friends would not spot me and keep me here as then I would have no chance of escape . I found an empty room and ran inside . The room had large french windows and big velvet curtains . I decided to hide behind them and I switched off the lights and hid . I could hear a mans voice and holding my bleeding hand hard I prayed it would not be this vampiric mans voice . The door opened and I could hear footsteps . The light came on and I remained very still . More than one person had entered the room and they walked about . I heard a voice say she's not in here and another voice saying to try the rest of the rooms . I heard the door close and I thought I was safe for a bit . I leaned against the window in relief only for it to suddenly open outwards . I only just managed to stop myself from falling to my death and I pulled hard on the curtain and that forced it to the ground .
The light came back on and the vampire and two other men stood looking amused at me . The vampire smiled at me and said “Their you are I have been looking for you”. He told his men to guard the door as he needed to chat with me . I nervously walked over to him . The vampire lit up a cigarette and offered me one from the case in his hand . My hand was shaking so bad as I took one . I had to lean on his hand to accept the light .
“Well you have been hard to find and it's now time for me to explain whats going to happen” you followed me the other week and discovered my secret . So now you have a debt that needs to be settled . So before you tell me you will never ever reveal what you saw that night let me be clear . I do not trust any human ever ! As time goes by you will eventually be tempted to tell someone what you saw . Theirs a very good chance they will not be believe you but I do not like taking chance's as it only takes one person to believe you ! I should kill you right now but Im willing to make you an offer . If you want to live and judging by the way you are shaking thats a yes I need to know how serious you are when it comes to staying alive . I want 50 grand in cash from you by tomorrow night .
I looked at him with shock and asked him to be reasonable . His eyes opened wide with extreme anger . “I don't think Im making myself very clear to you” Im a vampire so that makes me seriously unpleasant and incapable of being reasonable
I pleaded with him that getting my hands on 50 grand would not be easy and I asked as nicely as I could for a bit of time to get the money and made the mistake of saying he did not look as if he was short of a few bob . He walked around me blowing smoke at me “Do you know why Im not short of a few bob ? Its because I never let debts linger !” Ok you just bought yourself a bit of time . I asked him when I would see him again? His eyes began to glow and he gave me a cruel smile and said “ Don't know I will surprise you” He put his cold hand on my check and said “Get the money either you pay me or I will pay you” . You should go home now and start making plans whilst your life continues to circulate through your cardiovascular system . And don't think about doing a runner because I will find you and you will find out exactly how unreasonable I can be !



03:04 Apr 24 2024

Thumbs up


15:59 Apr 23 2024
Times Read: 318

St George's day has been spoilt by idiots . People pulling down Englands flag events arranged for the kids ruined . Im English and I love my British culture and I love my country and I airway's will . Nobody will ever take that away from me
Long live the King long live the United Kingdom 🇬🇧
Long live our fish and chips
The local pubs
The country side
Cups of tea
Ant and Dec
British comedy
Our ghosts
Our wild life
Eastenders Coronation Street
Forever love Paul O Grady



20:37 Apr 23 2024

Amen. Well stated

20:40 Apr 23 2024

The UK is home and I love it .

22:53 Apr 23 2024

From across the sea in NYC; i'm sorry.....I just left my city last month. I got robbed for the second time this year. Threw my skinny ass on the tracks! Some nice people saved me; I guess; I don't know. I was blacked out.


13:38 Apr 21 2024
Times Read: 347

Working on 4 new short stories

Garden Of Blood
Elsa and Mary signed a contract with the fairies when they were children .
The fairies take children who are suffering much misery in their lives and bring them to a new world .
Be careful what you do and what you say around the fairies as they can be very mean and spiteful and they are watching you . Keep them sweet !

Teenagers can often be cruel to each other and demand others to conform . A dare takes a group of 6 teens down swains lane and leads to Highgate cemetery where something is eagerly awaiting them amongst the many ancient tombs and celebrity graves . Never wake up the dead

Nikki and Gabriel
Gabriel had the world at his feet his comedy routine's made him a star and he had the help and backing of his childhood best friend Nikki . One night something changed his life forever and a new set of dangerous circumstances leads Nikki to enter a world she had not bargained for . She must find ways to hide Gabriels new self from the world and protect him and those around him .

Midnight agreement
After accidentally witnessing a vampire feeding a young woman must find a way to bargain to keep her life and keep the vampire from taking her to be his next victim



22:37 Apr 21 2024

Sweet can't waitb


15:55 Apr 17 2024
Times Read: 395

As some are aware I write short stories here just for entertainment purposes . I really do enjoy doing it and I am serious about it . If anyone has an idea for a story contact me and I will see what I can come up with . It would help me to get better at this and build my confidence . So any requests let me know



15:46 Apr 18 2024

Try something outside your normal? Mermaid, pirate. Fairy 🧚‍♂️?


The Children Love Fresh Meat Part 2

02:06 Apr 17 2024
Times Read: 408

John was returned home by his doctor the luxury house was now a flat in North London with no trace of an extravagant lifestyle and no signs of a second wife called Grace . The luxury car was gone and replaced with a small Fiat . The doctor assured John this is where he had been living once he left the hospital a few months ago . John still could not believe this was his life and Grace never existed. John sat quietly while the doctor did his best to make him believe that everything he experienced in the house in the woods was just apart of the trauma .
John began therapy in the hopes of regaining his memory but to no avail and he became obsessed with finding the house in the woods . John began searching the countryside and visiting every village in the hopes of finding the house and proving once and for all his son Dani was still alive and living with Mrs Creed and her strange children .
John spent nearly every weekend just driving out into the countryside just hoping he might see something that could lead him back to that house and one Sunday afternoon whilst out driving he noticed a young girl wandering down the road . John knew he had seen her before . John stopped the car and followed the girl quietly . John felt sure when he saw this girl before there was a young boy with her . He recognised the provincial style clothing and the long blond hair . John believed he was on the right track as he followed her through the fields and eventually into the woods . It was starting to come back to him the dark woods and then he saw the young boy and he suddenly remembered their names . John spoke their names under his breath David and Darcy . Soon John began to lose sight of the two teens and the realisation he was lost and it was getting darker and darker . John continued to walk through the woods in the hopes he would find some sort of life . After what seemed like hours John was suddenly approached by a young man . Just like the teenagers he was dressed in old fashioned clothing and his long black hair was tied back . He had a kind and friendly face and seemed concerned about John being alone in the woods . He told John he should follow him and once out of the woods he would fix him up with a drop of vicars ruin .
The two men walked and John began to tell the man about his wife and son . The man seemed to be distracted by a strange noises coming from the trees . John noticed it sounded like children's laughter . This began to spark more memories for John and he began to tell the man about the creepy children he had encountered . The man just laughed and revealed that his children often play hide and seek in the woods it was how they caught their pray . It was then John realised he had seen this man before and he was the one who attacked him and Grace . John confronted the man with his allegation and John could see in the distance the house he had been searching for .

“I think its time for me to give you an explanation John “ you see I was a normal man once I had a wife and home and the dream of having a family . 60 years ago all that changed for me and I was no longer human and unable to give my wife children . My wife stood by me and we did our best to live a normal life in the city. It was difficult for me with all the temptation around and I was determined in spite of my new circumstances to remain a good man . I made sure all my pray were people who would never be missed and that lead me to find children wandering the streets at night alone abandoned by their parents and forgotten by society . My wife and I took the children we found in and gave them a second chance in life . We knew someone would try and reclaim them and take them away from us so we left your world and came out here . All my found children are just like me and they live a very life with me and my wife . We know how cruel human parents can be so we often bring neglected children here and raise them as our own . My beloved wife has always insisted on remaining human and I have honoured her wishes but she had grown older and she became frail and unwell so we knew time was growing short for us .
I knew I needed to go back into your world to find a new wife and mother for my children . I was lucky I found Emily she was ready to end her life the night I found her . I brought her back here and she told me what you and Grace had done to her and to your son . My wife and I promised to help get Dani back and get revenge on you and Grace for your cruel deeds . Emily kindly consented to become my wife after the Mrs had passed on and she promised to raise all the children with me . How could you have been so evil to her ? She is such a wonderful kind soul my children liked her straight away . We bide our time as we knew you would pack Dani off to boarding school so you and your whore could squander Emily's money on your selves . We set a trap for you and it worked better than we expected . Emily didn't want to kill you in spite of everything you did to her she wanted you to live but she wanted you to live in misery . I let my children kill your wife and my Daughter Darcy gave your son a new life . He is reborn and one of the family now happily reunited with his mother . Emily agreed with me if you some how managed to work out what happened to you 6 months ago we would have to get rid of you . And after all the effort we went to trying to get everyone to make you believe that Grace never existed and you had been in a car crash . Don't look so confused Im not the only vampire in England .

John backed away from the man and as he backed away he could see the trees light up . The laughter of children became louder and the lights revealed themselves to be glowing eyes . John tried to run but soon found himself surrounded by children who were dropping out of the trees and surrounding him . Their eyes glowed green and yellow . The children continued to laugh and showed their fangs . John was then confronted by his son Dani . Dani was dressed in old fashioned clothing and his eyes were glowing .
The man smiled at John and spoke his final chilling words . “ I think you should know my children love fresh meat “ .
John was being circled by the children as they continued to laugh at him . John was desperate to try and reach out to Dani . Dani smacked John away from him and jumped on John biting into his throat . The rest of the children joined in on the attack sucking away at John’s blood and tearing away at John’s flesh . Once John was dead the Children ran back home . The man dragged John's freshly mutilated body away .
The man threw John's body into an open grave which contained the corpse of Grace . Fresh earth was thrown over the bodies until completely covered . Emily walked over to the man and gave him a loving smile . He assured her it was all over and they could finally marry and be a family . Emily promised to be a good wife and mother and she walked back to the house to be with Dani and the rest of her children . The man walked over to another grave with his eldest children David and Darcy and laid flowers down . Mrs Creed had passed away a few weeks earlier . Darcy and David promised they would never forget their first mother and they would always make sure the rest of the children would honour her memory as well .
Some of the children were still playing outside until Emily called to them warning them of first light . Emily told the children they needed to sleep as their father would be taking them out to hunt in the evening .



02:28 Apr 17 2024

once again excellent

09:14 Apr 17 2024


10:25 Apr 17 2024

At least John got some closure b4 the end.


The Children Love Fresh Meat Part 1

02:26 Apr 16 2024
Times Read: 431

In our lives some of us dream of having a family and being able to provide and give love and care to our family . And some lead a life of scheming and using and abusing those who love and care for them in order to fuel their own selfish needs and further their greed . Believing that being a parent is right when its actually a privilege . I have a story that shows the dangers of selfish cruel deeds and it should be read as a cautionary tale !

Dani was a 12 year old boy living in a nightmare for 6 months . Dani's father John had affair with a professional gold digger called Grace . The announcement of the affair and Johns dodgy dealings with civil servants who were happy to take bribes resulted in Dani's mother Emily losing her business the family home and her savings . John was helped by crooked solicitor's to convince a judge that Emily was an unfit mother and Dani was taken from his mothers loving care into his fathers heartless care along with Grace who was now Johns wife . Heartbreak John and Grace caused Emily resulted in her taking her own life . Dani was devastated by the loss of his mother and this made Dani become impossible and increasingly violent in his behaviour . Dani would never refer to Grace by her name he would always call her Goldie in remark to her love of money. Dani barely spoke to his father and this would lead to violent altercations between father and son . Dani soon became impossible to control and a decision was made to send Dani to a boarding school out in the country side .
Dani was forced to pack up his belongings and he gleefully marched to the car by his father and stepmother .

The three left their expensive home in Colchester and began the long drive out into the Hampshire countryside . John was completely focused on getting rid of his son so he could start indulging himself in the money he had so cruelly taken from Emily . He spoke enthusiastically about luxury trips around Europe and expensive cars while Grace sat admiring herself in a vanity mirror . Dani could not help but make snide comments about Grace . Remarking how taking Goldie to fancy places would only make her drop her knickers for the first millionaire to glance in her direction . Grace became angry and insisted John do something about Dani . John reassured her that boarding school would straighten Dani out . Dani gazed out the car window and wished for some kind of miracle to save him from the hell of boarding school and wishing something bad would happen to his father and stepmother .
Dani's wish seemed to be answered as the two of car tyres burst quite suddenly and car narrowly avoided crashing . The three stepped out of car to try and see if they could fix the problem and resume their journey . John could see they had no chance of reaching their destination anytime soon and reached for his phone to call for assistance only to find his battery was completely dead . Grace found her phone in the same state . Dani began to laugh at the situation and started taunting Grace and John about how they were going to have to put their luxury plans on hold . John became infuriated with Dani and this made him hit Dani hard. Dani ran off into the nearby fields shouting back how much he hated John and how it was his fault his mother took her own life . John ordered Grace to grab their belongings and to follow Dani and see if they could find help and get the car fixed . Grace begrudgingly went along with Johns orders . They made their way through the fields shouting for Dani but getting no response . After an hour of walking John and Grace noticed a house in the distance . They decided to walk on to the house with the hope of getting help from the owners .

Getting closer to the house John noticed how the surrounding trees seemed to make everything so dark . John continued to shout out to Dani and still could not get a response . Grace kept saying how they should just leave Dani to rot out in the fields but John was starting to feel some guilt over how he had treated his son. As the two got closer to the house they saw two littles girls crouched down in the long grass . John called out to the children but they did not respond . John noted their home made clothing and the strange noise they seemed to be making. Once up close to the two little girls they turned round to face John and Grace . Both girls had some kind of red substance around their mouths . At first John thought they had been eating berries until he noticed a dead rabbit on the ground with a bloodied throat . The girls laughed and grabbed the dead rabbit and ran to the house . Grace began to feel uneasy and suggested to John that they go back to the car . Suddenly a teenage boy and girl appeared and asked John and Grace what they were doing on their land . John introduced himself and asked the teenagers if they had seen a young boy . They smiled and told John that Dani was in the house with their mother . John was relieved that Dani was safe and asked if he and Grace to could go to the house to make a phone call and collect Dani . The two teens agreed and said their mother would be happy to help them .
John and Grace could not help noticing the strange way the teens were dressed . Their clothes were of a Provincial style almost like peasants from some gothic tale. John was quite taken with the young girl . She has very pretty features and beautiful dark eyes . Her long blonde hair elegantly cascaded past her shoulder's and her movements were almost cat like in their precision . The teenage boy had handsome features and possessed the same beautiful dark eyes . He looked as though he had walked straight out of a romantic novel .
Arriving at the house John and Grace were greeted by an old woman who cheerfully asked the two teens to go find the rest of their brothers and sisters . John asked if Dani was with her and she informed him he gone with her other children to play in the woods and he would be back later . She told John that Dani was in a very distressed state when her children found him . The old woman said she had given Dani food and he had made friends with her children straight away The old woman introduced herself as Mrs Creed and introduced her the two teens as David and Darcy . Mrs Creed ordered the two teens away again insisting they bring all the children home . John asked how many children she had and Mrs Creed replied 13 children .
John asked to use her phone but Mrs Creed had no phone or internet as her and her husband did not believe in such things and were home schooling the children . Mrs Creed invited John and Grace to spend the night at the house and her husband would take them to nearest town to sort the car out . Grace was not happy at the idea of staying in Mrs Creeds house the thought of 13 children hanging around made her feel uncomfortable . John just wanted to make the best of things for one night . Once in the house John and Grace noticed how primitive things were . The house had no modern convenience's and the kitchen had many dead wild animals hanging from the ceiling . They noticed more children ranging in ages and all wearing peasant styled clothes and their little mouths were covered red .
John asked where Mr Creed was only to be told he would be back before first light. Grace asked what he did for a living and Mrs Creed snapped that he is a hunter . Mrs Creed gave John and Grace food before getting Darcy to show them to their room . John watched Darcy with lustful eyes and this angered Grace . Darcy let them into a bedroom with an old bed and furniture that was riddled with woodworm and a large and rather grand window that looked out of the fields . Darcy bid John and Grace goodnight but John stopped her to ask where Dani was. Darcy informed John that Dani was sleeping in the next room and not to worry as Mother would look after him . Darcy walked out the room to be grabbed by 6 young children who wanted her to read them stories . Grace began complaining about the conditions in the room and remarking on how weird the family is . John ignored her and went looking for Mrs Creed . More children were appearing and started following John . John noticed the children's eyes were glowing slightly and he began to feel creeped out by them . John finally ran into Mrs Creed and began to quiz her about all the children . Mrs Creed seemed angered by Johns questioning and told him that she and her husband had no use for the outside world and lived off the land and had made themselves self sufficient and the children were all happy in their own world that had been created for them .
John stopped asking questions and went back to the bedroom to find Grace shaking and panicking . She told John some of the children had tried to attack her and she had seen a man outside the window . She begged and pleaded with John to leave the house but John brushed off her fears and opened the window to prove it was her imagination . John opened up the window and was suddenly taken by surprise as he looked towards the bedroom door . A gang of children with glowing eyes was standing looking at him and Grace . Johns arm was suddenly grabbed by hand with long sharp nails . John saw a young man with long black hair and glowing eyes . John was pulled straight through the window and he dropped to the ground hitting his head hard as he fell and being rendered completely unconscious .
Grace was now left to mercy of this strange man and the children with glowing eyes . Grace screamed as the man approached her and Mrs Creed came to the children and told them to come away as their father needed to do what was necessary and they didn't have much longer to wait . The children all began to smile cheer . In the next bedroom and young woman put her head around the door and Mrs Creed assured her that it would not be long now and she should go back in and shut the door as it was to soon for Dani and he didn't need to hear this kind of thing yet . The young woman smiled and nodded and went back inside

John awoke in hospital dazed and confused and calling out for Dani and Grace . The Doctor sat beside John and tried calming him . John could not understand how he could be in hospital and began asking for his wife . The doctor informed John that his wife Emily died in a car crash with Dani and John was the only surviver . The crash happened a year ago and John had suffered trauma to his head and he had spent 5 months in a coma and since leaving hospital John had trouble adjusting to life without his wife and son . John kept telling the doctor that he had divorced Emily and married Grace and Emily killed herself . The Doctor did everything he could to assure John there was no Grace Emily was his wife and she died with Dani in the accident .
John was enraged and began shouting about Mrs Creed and evil children and a man who attacked him . John was shouting how Mrs Creed and her creepy children had stolen his son and had done something to Grace . The Doctor told John he was found in his car unconscious in the hospital car park and his GP was concerned about blackouts and loss of memory he had been suffering from . John was adamant that his wife was Grace and Mrs Creed had taken his son . The doctor advised John to rest and he would see this was a dream and he needed help to deal with the loss of Emily and Dani . John knew this was not something he had dreamed and he had to find out the truth !



02:28 Apr 16 2024


03:40 Apr 16 2024


22:54 Apr 16 2024

Very nice


03:23 Apr 10 2024
Times Read: 469

I will start writing again soon . Suffering with bad depression and just not really feeling myself . I will pull myself out of it and get myself back to normal just having a rough time right now . I do some rewrites and probably improve certain stories .



04:40 Apr 10 2024

Take care of yourself.

09:31 Apr 10 2024

I hope you will get well well soon

09:52 Apr 15 2024

Wishing you the best

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